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ZWIN-AQMS-300 O3 Analyzer

ZWIN-AQMS-300 O3 Analyzer

Air Quality Products 30 0

Ozone analyzer adopts ultraviolet spectrometry principle and combines with advanced microprocessor technology.It provides accurate and reliable detection of O3 at ppb ppm level to    meet the requirement of ambient gas monitoring.

ZWIN-AQMS-300 O3 Analyzer



Ozone analyzer adopts ultraviolet spectrometry principle and combines with advanced microprocessor technology.It provides accurate and reliable detection of O3 at ppb ppm level to    meet the requirement of ambient gas monitoring.

Uv adsorption Ozone analyzer is developed based on Beer-Lambert technology. It is applied to monitor low concentration O3 in ambient air.

254nm UV light passes through sample gas cell and is absorbed by ozone inside it.Adsorption value has a certain ration with O3 concentration.By cyelically alternating of magnetic valve and measuring sample gas and the sample without O3,the true and reliable measured concentration of ozone is obtained at last.

This analyer can completely control all functions and also provides online instruction for important work parameters.Real time auto compensation for temperature and pressure will be made during measurement.




Measurement range:0-500ppb(other rangers are customazible)

Dual measurement range and auto set range

Ultraviolet spectrometry principle

Multiple functional operations by microprocessor

Task software is allowed to monitor test data during operation

Continuous self-checking with alarm function

Self-checking for intensity decaying of light source

Bidirection RS-232 port for remote control

Digital output working parameter

Response timeoptimized by signal filter technology of self-adaptation

Compensation function for temperature and pressure

USB and Ethernet interface

Large memoryand history data saved automatically



Parameter Specification
Unit ppb,ppm,μg/m3,mg/m3
Measurement range 0~500ppb
Zero noise ≤0.5ppb
Lower detection limit ≤1ppb
Span noise ≤2.5ppb
Indicator error ±2%F.S.
20%F.Saccuracy ≤2.5ppb
80%F.S accuracy ≤5ppb
24h Zero drift ±1ppb
24h 20%Span drift ±2.5ppb
24h 80%Span drift ±5ppb
Response time ≤60s
Long-term zero drift ±5ppb
Long-term span drift ±10ppb
MTBF ≥7d
Work condition (5~40)℃,(0~95)%RH
Dimensions &weight 178mm×432mm×600mm,15kg
Power supply 200~240V,50/60 Hz,200W
Ports Analog,Dihital,Rs232,Rs485,Rj45,USB
Protocol Modbus


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